Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term Life insurance is the purest and most cost effective form of life insurance. This type of life insurance provides financial protection to the nominee in case policyholder dies during policy term. Term Insurance policies provide high life cover at lower premiums. For eg: Premium for `1 Cr Term Insurance cover could be as low as 1000/-* p.m. These fixed premiums can be paid at once or at regular intervals for the entire policy term or for a limited period of time. Premium amount varies basis the type of the premium payment method opted by the buyer.

Leave a Legacy : People usually outlive the term of their plan. With a whole life insurance, you can ensure that you leave behind an inheritance or legacy

Financial Security : Whole life insurance doesn’t expire till your 99 years old. So, you can ensure that your financial dependents are financially independent in your absence

Young Age : A term plan bought at a young age expires while your family is still dependent on you. A whole life insurance is a preferable option as it is more affordable at a younger age